about the habitat
'The habitat' is an autoethnographic multispecies design project which will guide you through the physical and emotional experiences evoked by living and being with other species.
The habitat works as a visual and written digital archive.
'The habitat' is a domestic environment, a room in which many species share the living space.
The habitat hosts many species, big and small
but the project mainly focuses on the small, tiny species, the microworlds.
It also includes me, the human species, whom shares her living space, cherishes more than human and tries connect with them and learn to live with the messiness.
The habitat includes every being,
however there is a starring character,
a member of the visible and invisible worlds, the fungi and their 3rd realm.
So, the page will mostly navigate you through my research, insights and memories on living and being with the fungi.
It will display the relationships we have and guide you through them.
The habitat does not intend to provide answers or solutions, it observes the process and learns from the experiences.
Before you go further,
I would like to appreciate the fascinating fungi, the masters of survival.
To learn about the other species and me, the residents, you may visit the 'residents' page.