Residents of the Habitat
Pestalotiopsis Microspora,
the fungi
the main character
the human.
a classification of Penicillium,
the fungi
and many more others to come....
panellus stipticus,
the fungi
Pestalotiopsis Microspora, the fungi
Aka Plastic eating fungi.
This member of fungi realm, pestalotiopsis microspora is capable of decomposing and digesting polyurethane. It was first found in Buenos Aires, under the common ivy leafage. Nonetheless, it's ability to eat polyurethane was not found out until 2010s. A group of student researchers, under the supervision of Scott Strobel, isolated p.microspora strains from the plant stems in Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest (Wikipedia, 2022).
In November 2021, this fungi member came to me as spores in a little tube. Starting from than, I shared my living space with it. (more to come)
ref: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. "Pestalotiopsis Microspora." February 4, 2022.
Betül, the human.
This member of human species, me, shares her private living environment with many other more than human species. Some of them were invited there, like the fungi, p.microspora, but also many others were already in there even a long time before she arrived. She is currently fascinated with microworlds and tries to dive in.
But the star of the interest is the fungi.
She, her body also contains many microworld residents, whom both protects her from dangers and threatens her.
She is thankful to all of them for letting her be, and become with others.
a classification of Penicillium, the fungi
This member of the fungi realm, is a bit of mystery. It floats in the air of the habitat as spores. As understood from it's color, form and shape, it is thought to be a lower classification of Penicillium. Can be referred as one of the common molds.
It was enabled to be visible on the walls of the habitat in a provided nutritious environment.
(more to come)