What do you see when you look at a forest – is it wood or is it life? Wood is supposedly a sustainable material, but sustainable for whom and is it only a material for consumption?
Life on earth is dependent on thriving ecosystems and forests harbor many of them. Living beings never exist on their own but become together, humans are not exceptional.
With this project we want to emphasize the vital agency of forests and criticize the normative view on forestry, especially in Sweden. Therefore, we would like to invite you to join us for a walk to become with the forest.
This website and audio piece is a project created by students in the course Climate Emergency Studies 2022 at Linnéuniversitetet. Please note that this project is a work in process and the audio recording is a draft.
If you have any questions about the website or recording you can contact Betül Hafizoglu at bh222jp@student.lnu.se. or Gina Söderlund at gs222sa@student.lnu.se.