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playing with light and scale

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sample boxes glow.png

screening the life,

playing with scale,

making the invisible visible 

species; human, any microworld residents who are     
                                capable of growing on agar

the tool seen on the left side is a very basic projector. It allows to project what's inside to a screen. Works when it's dark, uses a basic light source and a lens.  

This tool works with sample boxes as you can see in the image (what is in-between the light source and lens).

The sample boxes contain a nutritious substrate called agar which many fungi and bacteria love to grow on. Who is growing inside the sample box will be projected.  

It allows you to project what's inside but also you can look directly inside to see closer, a reverse action. 


Here is a short video on how to see what's inside the box. 

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light source

sample box


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© 2022 by Betyul Hafazoglu.

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